Adam L.
"What are you doing here far from home?" An Slovak 125 class electric with the number 823-5, surprisingly with an SA-3 coupler fitted to the B end, was captured on a warm December afternoon offline while awaiting maintenance at the ZSSK Cargo locomotive shops in Spišska Nová Ves. These brutes can still be seen today on the broad-gauge line between Maťovce on the border with Ukraine 🇺🇦 and Haniska pri Košiciach 🇸🇰 The broad-gauge line mentioned above is also known as ŠRT (Širokorozchodná trať) or to some as the "Slovakian LHS". The line was built 1964-1966 (13 years later Polands LHS was built) and is over 80 km long. In 1978 the line was electrified, before electrification the main traction for trains were Soviet built T679 (M62) class locos. Until 1979 it was the westernmost broad gauge line. To this day the line does what it was supposed to do, i.e. transport iron ore to the steelworks in Kośice and bulk cargo to customers in Slovakia and further west on the standard gauge. Spišska Nová Ves - Slovakia 🇸🇰 - December 2024 ☃️ #trainspotting #lineside #photo #train #electric #depot #zsskcargo #slovakia